Unlocking the potential of mass localism

The UK’s major political parties have all pointed to the importance of encouraging and supporting more local responses to addressing big social challenges.

Purnell sets out his grand vision

In a thoughtful and, at times, radical speech tonight at the LSE, James Purnell outlined why he believes the Labour party must go beyond its focus on equality of opportunity with a series of reforms to the market, state, andtest

Five key lessons on Facebook activism

Use a brand that taps into a meme; look for the movements already working on this; keep your messaging as simple as possible; and give people easy things to do.

The climate movement at a crossroads

This is a defining moment for the British climate movement. Copenhagen has proved a watershed: its failures have thrown campaigners into a state of profound self-doubt and re-evaluation. Combined with the revival of climate scepticism – the fallout from Climategatetest

We need a New Turn from tribal politics

Politicians want young people to engage in business-as-usual party politics. But young people are not voting and are turned off the old approach to tribal politics.