The example of Gloucestershire shows how Tory policies are damaging the NHS
A landmark case in Gloucestershire illustrates how short-sighted government policies have damaged the NHS.
A landmark case in Gloucestershire illustrates how short-sighted government policies have damaged the NHS.
Jos Bell reports on Jeremy Hunt’s anti-abortion comments – and how they sum up David Cameron’s arrogant, out-of-touch, anti-women Tory government to a tee.
Jos Bell looks at Labour’s crusading peers in the House of Lords, fighting harder for a fairer future and holding the coalition to account.
Jos Bell reports from Manchester on the health debate at the 2012 Labour Party Conference.
Jos Bell looks at the challenges facing new health secretary Jeremy Hunt following his succeeding of the sacked Andrew Lansley in this week’s Cabinet reshuffle.
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Earlier this week, Mike Farrar, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, described the NHS as “a super tanker heading for an iceberg”.
Care for those who are denied treatment costs more than if the procedures were carried out.
In fighting the health and social care act, Labour must reject outmoded marketisation, building a consensus around the NHS’s founding values.
Jos Bell reports on the six Tory broken NHS promises, as Labour puts health at the forefront of their local elections campaign.