Coalition gives up on tackling bankers’ bonuses as 2010 total set to hit £7bn

It’s hardly a surprise, but the coalition has decided that it has done as much as it intends to tackle excessive bankers’ bonuses, even at a time when small businesses continue to suffer as banks refuse to lend. Most banks will not pay out their bonuses for 2010 until February 2011 but the Treasury minister Lord Sassoon’s declaration in the House of Lords this week indicates the government is satisfied that its ‘work’ on City bonuses is complete.

The contradictions of Vince Cable

Vince Cable received praise from certain quarters today for his speech attacking capitalism – yet his record tells a different story to his rhetoric.

Bank of England Governor joins attack on bank lending

Following the embarrassingly empty green paper published this week, titled “Financing a private sector recovery” without offering any ideas on how to finance it, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King has launched a blistering attack on Britain’s major banks.

Cameron is showing refreshing pragmatism on Turkey and Europe

David Cameron’s stance on Europe and the European Union seems to have turned on its head in recent weeks; earlier this week, he used his meeting with the Turkish prime minister to state Turkey’s case for EU membership – a crucially important issue for both Turkey and the future of the EU.

EU deal on capping bonuses will change the financial sector

Labour may have temporarily lost legislative power in Westminster, but Labour MEPs still have that power and used it to great effect last week, securing strict limits on upfront cash bonuses to ensure that bonuses are linked to long-term success rather than mere risk-taking.