Lib Dem conference backs plan to plant 60 million trees a year

Lib Dem members have also voted for a proposal to create three new National Nature Parks

Lib Dems

Members of the Liberal Democrats are meeting in Brighton this week for their autumn conference. At the conference, party members are debating and discussing core elements of their policy platform.

On Sunday 15 September, members at the conference voted to support a series of measures designed to address the depletion of nature within the UK.

Lib Dem members voted for a motion proposed by the party’s environment spokesperson Tim Farron, which said that “The UK is one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world and one of the least densely forested countries in Europe”.

As part of the motion adopted by the conference, members backed a proposal to “Plant 60 million trees a year to improve air quality, enrich public spaces and help us reach net-zero.” They also supported a commitment to create three new National Nature Parks. According to the motion, National Nature Parks would be created from existing National Parks and National Landscapes by improving their work to restore nature.

Speaking following the passing of the motion, Farron said: “Our National Parks are world famous, containing some of the most stunning and cherished landscapes anywhere in the world. They are vital not only for their beauty, but for the role they play in wildlife conservation and protecting nature.

“The last Conservative government repeatedly failed to keep its promises to safeguard our countryside. They allowed sewage to be pumped into our rivers and seas and completely neglected protecting our precious countryside.”

“By creating these new parks, we can ensure that future generations get to enjoy our stunning landscapes just as we have been able to do so and it is up to the new government to rise to this challenge.”

The new Liberal Democrat policy would also increase the National Parks budget by £50m a year.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

Image credit: Liberal Democrats – Creative Commons

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