Bombshell opinion poll puts Tories just 4 points behind Labour

Support for Labour is down significantly, mostly to the benefit of the Lib Dems, Greens and Reform

Keir Starmer

A shock opinion poll has found that support for the Labour Party has dropped significantly since the general election. The poll – conducted by More in Common – puts support for Labour at 29%, just four points ahead of the Tories on 25%.

More in Common’s first poll since the general election shows that support for Labour has fallen mostly to the benefit of the Liberal Democrats, Greens and Reform. That poll – carried out in June and July – had support for Labour at 40%, the Tories at 24%, Reform at 14%, the Lib Dems at 11% and the Greens at 6%.

By contrast, the full voting intention figures for More in Common’s latest poll are:

  • Labour 29%
  • Tories 25%
  • Reform 18%
  • Lib Dems 14%
  • Greens 8%

Those figures mean the changes since the last poll, Labour has dropped a whopping 11 points, the Tories are up one point, Reform are up four points, the Lib Dems up three and the Greens up two.

The poll was conducted between 10-12 September.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

Image credit: Simon Dawson / Number 10 – Creative Commons

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