‘He IS the far right of politics’ – The response to Nigel Farage’s Question Time appearance

"Farage tries to blag his way out of responsibility for his every action"

Nigel Farage on the Question Time leaders special

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage appeared on the BBC Question Time leaders special this evening.

On the show, he faced a tough grilling from the studio audience about his party’s candidates, his views on migration and his general election campaign.

His appearance has triggered a critical response from people watching.

Former Green Party MP Caroline Lucas slammed Farage as being the ‘far right of politics’ during his performance. That was in response to him claiming to have worked to drive the far right out of British politics. She tweeted: “Did Farage really just say that ‘I’ve done more to drive the far right out of British politics than anyone else alive’ – he IS the far right of politics”.

Alastair Campbell – the man who was once Tony Blair’s comms chief and now hosts a podcast – accused Farage of going ‘full Trump’ in his response to the revelations about Reform UK activists making racist comments. He tweeted: Farage going full Trump … the deep state is at it, setting up actors to work with Channel 4 to damage poor Nige … and the establishment is all ganging up on him.”

Meanwhile, Plaid Cymru’s Liz Saville Roberts accused Farage of trying to ‘blag his way out of responsibility’ for his actions. She tweeted: “Farage tries to blag his way out of responsibility for his every action: His licence for public bigotry, his Brexit failures, his plan to destroy the NHS, his apologies for Putin’s atrocities. He’s a laughing stock”.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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