Shock poll suggests Tories could end up with zero MPs in London

“It would be shocking if the dominant party of British politics since 1945 did not win a single seat in the capital,” Prof Travers told The Standard.

Conservative Party rosette

It’s going from bad to worse for the Tories in the opinion polls, with one poll suggesting that they could be totally wiped out in the capital, with zero MPs.

A major MRP poll shows total electoral wipeout for the Tories in London, with Professor Tony Travers, of the London School of Economics, warning that the rise of Reform UK now meant the Tories could lose a string of what were relatively safe Conservative seats in Outer London.

The 15,000-person poll was used to create a seat-by-seat breakdown, which indicated the Conservatives would be wiped out in Scotland and Wales and hold just 98 seats in England, the Evening Standard has reported.

Seats which the Tories could lose to Labour include Bromley and Chislehurst, Bexleyheath and Crayford, Beckenham, Chipping Barnet, as well as Uxbridge and South Ruislip.

“It would be shocking if the dominant party of British politics since 1945 did not win a single seat in the capital,” Prof Travers told The Standard.

With the Tories continuing to trail the Labour Party in the polls, pressure is growing on Sunak ahead of a general election expected to take place later this year. The 2nd May local elections will also be a significant factor in determining whether Tory MPs move to replace Sunak before the general election, as panic among their ranks grows at the prospect of an electoral wipeout.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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