Left Foot Forward campaigned for an advertiser boycott when Hopkins demanded a 'final solution' after the Manchester attack

Katie Hopkins has been sacked by LBC, having called for a ‘final solution’ after the Manchester attacks.
LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately.
— LBC (@LBC) May 26, 2017
This follows a Left Foot Forward campaign, launched this week, calling for advertisers to boycott LBC until Hopkins was removed.
Our campaign was a response to Hopkins’s comments about the terrible attack in Manchester. Within hours, while most of us were still reeling at the tragic news, she was already whipping up hatred — attacking Muslims and calling for a ‘final solution’.
We wanted to make it clear that such hatred and division has no place in our society.
With the thousands of you who joined us, we made it clear to LBC that they couldn’t afford to give a loudspeaker to hate.
Thanks so much for your support.
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28 Responses to “BREAKING: Katie Hopkins sacked by LBC”
“When Muslims were stamping on poppies and setting fire to the Union flag at Royal Wootten Bassett, where were you? Where were the impassioned and outraged articles on this website calling for an end to hate speech, how action must be taken, how deeply insulting it was to the memory of our war dead? Where were all you outraged Lefties, demanding that action be taken?”
Well actually, at the time I was arguing for a Proletarian Military Policy.
And saying,
“Indeed, large sections of the Left, who can see no further than a crass anti-imperialism, and who misunderstand and misrepresent basic Marxist principles in that regard, and in relation to “Revolutionary Defeatism”, have ended up taking the attitude of “My enemy’s enemy is my friend”, and so ended up as the military and political allies of forces which are the enemy of the working class and of socialists. In so doing they have frequently confused the actions of the British State, and the actions of the individual soldiers sent to fight on its behalf. Even if they have not themselves lined up with those forces, that have grotesquely gone to protest when British troops have returned, as a result of the cross class nature of the anti-war movement, they have allowed themselves to be tarred with the same brush.
I would argue that this position has nothing to do with the politics of Marxism, nor with the politics, on these issues, of the revolutionary traditions of Lenin and Trotsky. The Left’s position has been a mish-mash, a combination of Ultra-Leftism, Moralism, and Pacifism, which is nothing more than the political expression of that Moralism. As a consequence, it cuts itself off from large sections of the working class, in Britain, and gives the opportunity for Nationalist and fascist forces to intervene opportunistically in that space. Moreover, it boycotts its own politics in providing a working class solution and response to issues, which deeply concern the working class, not just in relation to questions of Defence, but in relation to day to day issues such as Terrorism, short of a millenarianist call for Socialism.”
ted francis
Oh dear Frederick, where were you?
Following each of the outrages to which you refer the media positively exploded with members of the public expressing anger, sadness, cries for something to be done, not only in catching the offenders but how to prevent it happening again.
Your absurdly self-righteous rants create an image of a boggle-eyed Tory/UKIP adherent frothing at the mouth in frustrated rage.
But you must be careful Freddy dear boy, there’s only so much stimulation to old cardio system can take before it goes pop! Then you’d be heading for a bed in the nearest ICU staffed almost entirely by demmed foreigners; you know, members of minority groups.
Katie had to go. Its dangerous to have such narrow minded people in positions where their words and in this case very limited and damaging thoughts can influence a large portion of society. I think one day she will regret these stupid outburts and the inheritted prejudice she keeps spouting. Its good the station is showing some sense of social responsibility and removing her.
I enjoyed your paper very much Boffy, but you would be able to make better arguments if you did some reading in the war theory department. There’s a MOD publication called (IIRC) ‘The Application of Force’ – probably ‘restricted’ but I’d expect it’s on the web somewhere. It’s a bit dry and dusty and a little bit dated, but still a very good piece of work, also a book called ‘An Introduction to War Theory’ and one called ‘Small Unit Management’ – I’d suggest you start with the latter two (they’re very quick reads) which will give you a bit of practical grounding to make ‘Application of Force’ less impenetrable; also ‘Lions, Donkeys and Dinosaurs’ would be useful – horrifying, but useful.
sadly I’m sure she’ll find more highly lucrative work spreading nastiness probably in the US!