BREAKING: Katie Hopkins sacked by LBC

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Left Foot Forward campaigned for an advertiser boycott when Hopkins demanded a 'final solution' after the Manchester attack

Katie Hopkins has been sacked by LBC, having called for a ‘final solution’ after the Manchester attacks.

This follows a Left Foot Forward campaign, launched this week, calling for advertisers to boycott LBC until Hopkins was removed.

Our campaign was a response to Hopkins’s comments about the terrible attack in Manchester. Within hours, while most of us were still reeling at the tragic news, she was already whipping up hatred — attacking Muslims and calling for a ‘final solution’.

We wanted to make it clear that such hatred and division has no place in our society.

With the thousands of you who joined us, we made it clear to LBC that they couldn’t afford to give a loudspeaker to hate.

Thanks so much for your support.

28 Responses to “BREAKING: Katie Hopkins sacked by LBC”

  1. Ian

    She already works for the Mail Neil Haydon.

  2. Fred

    Let me answer those responders to my orginal post at the top of the page.

    When Muslims were stamping on poppies and setting fire to the Union flag at Royal Wootten Bassett, where were you? Where were the impassioned and outraged articles on this website calling for an end to hate speech, how action must be taken, how deeply insulting it was to the memory of our war dead? Where were all you outraged Lefties, demanding that action be taken?

    I’ll tell you where.


    It’s Left wing hypocrisy. You only support causes that favour minorities.

    The reason, I suggest, is becasue you think it’s cool to be seen standing up for oppressed minorities, because you think it makes you modern, forward-thinking and tolerant and hip. Whereas, there is no personal mileage to be seen to be standing up for white soldiers -they’re just tools of the oppressive establishment, right?

    You see, this is nub of the argument: your principles are selective. You try to close down the views you don’t agree with because this allows you to froth with righteous indignation, but you’re nowhere to be found when it’s a cause that doesn’t hold much interest, even though the principles at stake are the same.

  3. Ivan Monckton

    Fred, you’re a numpty.

  4. Demented Dad

    Where was I Fred when extremists stamped on poppies? I’ll tell you where I was. I was stagging on in the UK and in foreign lands. For every time, you show your idiotic behaviour by supporting hate preachers such as Katie Hopkins, you put the lives of my oppos at risk. We all knew Choudary was a bellend and 90% of the Muslim world knew that too. But when they are looking in and seeing the hate being spewed by that virago and her ilk and worse, being paid to do so, anyone that is not white or English speaking gets a little more scared.

    She can spout the drivel she spouts as much as she wants, just as Choudary can, but don’t expect me to be happy that either one is paid by anyone to do so. No one is stopping her right to free speech. All we are doing is showing our contempt for anyone dumb enough to pay her to do so.

    And now because she has used the language of the concentration camp to score points and has lost her job because of it. Well, boo-fucking-hoo. She can get her shiftless carcass back to where it belongs and that is under the stone she crawled out from under.

  5. Karen

    Wah wah wah, Fred, people like you are exactly the same, I’ve seen it before so many times. You cry about Asian paedophiles, but you don’t care about white ones, or you make excuses for them and claim the victims asked for it. You cry about Muslims but you don’t give a shit about the IRA, or fundamentalist Christians (Lord’s Resistance Army ring any bells?) I’m Jewish. I know what a final solution is. Hitler tried to enact one and six million of my fellow Jews died.

    I’m one of those ~lefties~ you hate and there’s no way in hell I’d ever condone ISIS, the sick fuck murdered 22 people – including kids – and I’m glad he’s dead. I live in Manchester. The whole city was devastated by one happened. Perhaps if Theresa May hadn’t cut funding to the police up here, including units investigating terrorism, he could have been stopped. After all, members of the Muslim community did try to warn them police and his local mosque banned him. And yes, the poppy thing is disgusting but it’s hardly up there with setting off a nail bomb that rips children and teenage girls and their parents to pieces.

    Instead of whining on the internet, get off your arse and join the resistance in Syria, I’m sure they’d be glad to have you. Katie Hopkins acts like an internet badass, perhaps she should have gone to fight ISIS too – after all, they’re woman-hating shitbags, being killed by a woman is the worst thing that could happen to them. Just ask the Yezidi women who’ve fought them.

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