Meanwhile the paper backs Trump's tax cuts for the rich

‘America woke up to the reality of President Donald Trump yesterday – 16 years after it was jokingly predicted in The Simpsons,’ begins the Sun‘s front page report on the US election results today.
What it doesn’t mention, in either the print or online versions of the story, is that The Simpsons is owned by the Fox Broadcasting Company, founded by Rupert Murdoch, who also happens to own the Sun.
The Fox Broadcasting Company is part of 21st Century Fox, of which Murdoch is executive co-chairman and former chairman and CEO.
The Simpsons is broadcast in Britain on Sky One, part of BSkyB, of which Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox owns 39.14 per cent.
How clever to use the election of Donald Trump to plug your own product!
* * *
‘Smug lefties can think of no reason beyond his supporters — or Leave voters — being thick racists,’ booms the Sun says column today, drawing parallels between Brexit and Trump’s victory.
‘They should condemn less and seek to understand more,’ it goes on. ‘For years those voters and their falling wages were ignored by politicians in Washington or Westminster.’
Might those ‘falling wages’ have something to do with the free market policies backed by politicians of all stripes – and fiercely advocated by the Sun newspaper?
While the Sun calls some of Trump’s ideas ‘crazy’, it adds that ‘he does have solid economic policies, including big tax reforms and cuts to red tape, which could certainly boost growth.’
When this ‘red tape’ means workers rights and the minimum wage (Trump says wages are ‘too high’), and ‘tax reforms’ means a tax cut for the wealthy, who is really being ‘smug’ and neglectful of working people’s concerns?
Adam Barnett is staff writer for Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter @AdamBarnett13
See: Bernie Sanders has a message for US president elect Donald Trump
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2 Responses to “Murdoch’s Sun uses Trump victory to plug Fox-owned Simpsons”
The same story also appeared in the Guardian and was splashed across social media yesterday.
This is a total non-story !!!
Well, left. Still flailing, still red in the face as you try and howl your attempts to ‘understand’ the situation!
TRUMP!!! YEAH !!!!
It may have escaped your notice, oh wise ones, that the Sun ran VERY hostile commentaries of America’s esteemed President-elect!
Esteemed, mate! And serves you blummin-well RIGHT!
(Woo, Trump!)