POLL: Was John McDonnell right to reject George Osborne’s fiscal charter?

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First the shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the Labour Party would vote in favour of chancellor George Osborne’s so-called fiscal charter (the charter would legally prevent governments from spending more than they bring in in tax revenue when the economy is growing). And then, yesterday, McDonnell appeared to do a complete U-turn. Labour will now oppose Osborne’s charter.

And so our question to you is: should this have been Labour’s position all along? Is Labour right to oppose the chancellor’s fiscal charter?

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55 Responses to “POLL: Was John McDonnell right to reject George Osborne’s fiscal charter?”

  1. Walter Wiltshire

    I’m going to give up on you, you have no understanding of Politics or people and just want to rant the same rubbish, I’ll explain one last time-. Only 24% voted Tory, 16% Labour, the other 60% didn’t want the Blairite/Tories. They had no real choice. The Scots wanted socialism and so did the Welsh and got it with SNP and PC, (that’s why we lost their vote)
    The English left of centre had no one to vote for, and that is why we lost. This explains the phenomenal support for Corbyn’s election and the massive membership increase Labour has seen since Corbyn was elected. Britain needs socialism and several PC and SNP voters have told me they will vote for Labour, if Corbyn survives the Fascist Blairite onslaught

  2. Walter Wiltshire

    59% voted Corbyn and the Party has more than doubled since. 180,000 New members supporting Corbyn’s agenda.

  3. Walter Wiltshire

    430,000 so far

  4. Cole

    However you look at it over 50% of voters supported right wing parties in May. Sadly.

    I’m sorry Ed’s Labour Party was too right wing for you – but you’re in a small minority’s if you believe that.

  5. Cole

    So you need about 11 million more to have a chance of winning an election…

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