Harriet Harman is wrong: the Conservatives don’t have a mandate to cut child tax credits

Listen to the voters by all means. But recognise that they aren't calling for a cut in child tax credits


As it is apt to do, Twitter went into meltdown yesterday at the announcement by Labour interim leader Harriet Harman that the party would not oppose the Conservative proposal to limit tax credits to two children.

Harman also stated that Labour would not oppose other specifics in chancellor George Osborne’s planned cap on household welfare benefits.

Some of the backlash came from Harman’s contemporaries in the race to be the next Labour leader. Three of the four leadership candidates have so far come out in opposition to the limiting of tax credits to two children, with only Liz Kendall yet to set out her position.

In justifying Labour’s apparent support for Osborne’s plan to cut tax credits, Harman claimed that Labour could not tell the public they were wrong after two general election defeats:

“We cannot simply say to the public you were wrong at the election…we’ve got to wake up and recognise that this was not a blip; we’ve had a serious defeat and we must listen to why.”

In other words, the Conservatives have a mandate from the voters to cut tax credits (and benefits more generally) and therefore the Labour party should ‘listen’ (i.e. vote them through).

The problem is that this analysis doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

It’s certainly arguable, regrettably, that the voters have given the government a mandate for swingeing departmental cuts – the chancellor has even rowed back to some extent on the scale of cuts he promised earlier this year. But there’s no mandate for cutting tax credits for those with children.

First of all quite simply because George Osborne did not tell the electorate prior to the election that he would cut child tax credits – in fact during the pre-election television debates David Cameron promised not to cut child tax credits.

The other reason we should not assume the Tories have a mandate to cut child tax credits is because fresh polling indicates that the public are against cuts to tax credits for those with children.

According to a survey done by Sky News last week, while the public back a cut in the amount of benefits that a household can receive from £26,000 to £23,000, they don’t support a cut in tax credits for those with children. The survey found that 63 per cent of people were opposed to cutting tax credits for those with children. The same number also opposed cutting benefits for disabled people who are working.

So no, there isn’t a public mandate for cutting child tax credits. And while it’s probably correct to say that in many policy areas the public are, regrettably, not in the same place as the Labour party, tax credits for children are not one of them.

James Bloodworth is the editor of Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter

65 Responses to “Harriet Harman is wrong: the Conservatives don’t have a mandate to cut child tax credits”

  1. David Lindsay

    I reckon that Harman might be cleverer than she seems, although I admit that that is setting the bar pretty low. She came up through the Hard Left, and you never quite lose that. She is of the same generation as Jeremy Corbyn, and in their early years in Parliament they were on all of the same sides. Deep down, in her heart of hearts…

  2. Cole

    Actually there was a swing to Labour among C2 and DE voters in May. It’s untrue that the working class have abandoned Labour.

  3. Cole

    But why should I subsidise your large family?

  4. Philip Leicester

    When the flippin heck is Labour going to realise we have the worst democratic deficit in Europe (neglecting the #ThisisaCoup incident). The Tories have no manadate because they’re not supported by the majority of the electorate. If Labours response to a victory awarded by 24% of eligible voters is to switch their policy so that the 100,000 voters in the swing seats might vote for them next time then they might as will give up and cede all responsibility for opposition in England and Wales to Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbot, Caroline Lucas and the three Plaid Cymru members. This would be a good thing! Embrace democracy you silly little party and start to believe in something again FFS.

  5. Philip Leicester

    Erm, Tories 36%, the rest 64%
    It’s the election system stupid

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