Syria: Assad’s forces “using rape as a weapon”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The savagery of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad continues to worsen with each passing day, reports Shamik Das.

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The savagery of the regime of President Assad continues to worsen with each passing day.

Syria-Assad-rape-dungeonFollowing the massacre of the innocents last week, the brutal, unimaginable slaughter of 32 children in villages in the central Syrian area of Houla, it emerged today that security forces are using rape to terrorise the opposition.

Today’s Telegraph reports:

Security forces in Syria are using rape against both men and women as a tool to spread fear among the opposition, victims and human rights groups have told the Daily Telegraph.

In the jails and interrogation centres of secret police, prisoners have been brutalised, either at the hands of officers, or more often with a bottle or other utensil.

“In detention facilities rape is clearly used as a form of torture to humiliate and degrade people, and to bring back the wall of fear,” said Nadim Khoury, Deputy Director for the Middle East at Human Rights Watch

Free Syria activist Rami tells the paper:

“There was a 17 year old boy. He was in a terrible condition. He would sit and cry and refused to eat or speak to anyone. Eventually with the help of a councillor he opened up. He had been arrested at a protest. When he was taken to a detention centre two officers had raped him.

“I know of many cases like him. They would throw raped male protesters back out on the streets as a warning to others.”

Rami’s wife, Hadija, was left behind at home with their five children after he was forced to flee his home town of Dera’a by Assad’s brutal regime, the report adds:

Late one night, ten ‘shabiha’ [government paramilitaries] broke into the bedroom where she and her daughters were asleep. “They tore at my nightgown trying to strip me. I started screaming. My daughter was crying,” said Hadija. “They were taking videos and photos on their phones.” The men only fled when neighbours who heard the commotion intervened.

A week later four of them returned. “I promised that my husband would hand himself him,” said Hadija. “They said: ‘Tell your husband that we have seen your breasts and we have stripped you. Next time we are going to rape you and we film it and air it everywhere.'”

Terrified, she gathered her children and fled to stay with relatives on the outskirts of the city, never staying in one home for more than a few days. “They [security forces] did the same with many others. It became known that the sister, wife, or daughter of anyone who was fighting might be raped, and many were,” said Hadija. “Now those who are wanted take their wives and daughters with them.”

The report also tells the story of Fathima:

“In Homs they treat the women as spoils of war,” said Fathima, who fled from Baba Amr. Fathima’s husband had been leading a rebel unit in Baba Amr when the district fell and soldiers began conducting house-to-house raids. Hurriedly she hid her husband, children and thirteen year old brother in law in a secret cranny in their home before opening the door.

“One of the men wanted to see inside the pantry. Then he grabbed me hard by the hand and tried to drag me inside. I resisted, I was praying ‘in God I put my faith’ out loud. I freed my hand but he grabbed me by the waist. He tried to rip my clothes away,” said Fathima. “I didn’t want to scream because I knew my husband would come and then they would kill him.”

On this occasion Fathima said she was saved when another soldier who shouted at the men to leave the house. Others were not so lucky, she said: “It is common in Homs. Relatives on my husband’s side were found killed, among them Hameda, a 17-year-old girl, who had been raped.”

The sickening accounts carry echoes of the doomed regime of Colonel Gaddafi, whose forces used rape as a weapon of war.


See also:

We can’t sit back and allow more massacres: It’s time for military action in Syria 28 May 2011

Syria: Massacre of the innocents 27 May 2012

Amidst the burning flesh of Homs, Syrians plead: “We are getting slaughtered, save us” 7 Feb 2012

Anti-Assad activist: “We need help… We need a no-fly zone… ASAP” 1 Feb 2012

Syria: When will the West act? 2 Jan 2012

Exposed: The pro-Assad useful idiots in our midst 22 Oct 2011

Gaddafi’s reign of terror in Misrata: “The militia raped women, slaughtered men and killed children” April 21 2011


As Ed Jacobs wrote on Left Foot Forward yesterday, we cannot forever sit back and allow Assad to continue; how many more must die, be tortured, be raped and be brutalised before the West finally says “enough is enough” and intervenes?


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19 Responses to “Syria: Assad’s forces “using rape as a weapon””

  1. Robert Halfon MP

    Syria: Assad’s forces “using rape as a weapon” #fb

  2. Anonymous

    Yes, just like Colonel Gaddafi in Libya… except that when those reports of mass rape by his forces were investigated by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, they couldn’t actually find any evidence that they had occurred.

    Now, Assad’s regime is surely a nasty one, just like Gaddafi’s was. But that doesn’t mean we should automatically believe every bad story we hear about them. When the entire western media has turned against a regime, you should be suspicious of what you read about them.

  3. Pad1

    Who writes this bollocks????????????

  4. Blarg1987

    I fully agree, on the flip side of the army and civilian killings, I saw a video of a guy sweeoing the street near to a tank, that was stationed their doing nothing, a few minutes went by and the guy cam back with a RPG and blew up the tank.

    The perverse thing about it is that if they had killed the man when he was sweeping he would be classed as a massacured civilian, yet if he was killed with the RPG he would be classed as a dead enemy combatant.

    I am not agreeing with the assad regime in any way shape or form, but I can see such as our forces in Iraq and Afghanastan, where accident civilian deaths can occur.

    It is right to report the bad things the regime in Syria is doing however caution must be used when reporting what happens, because we do not have the full facts when say a property is it bombed, i.e. was their weapons in side etc?

    I ony flag this as britissh forces abroad have the same problems.

  5. Dafydd Young

    Was just going to come on to post the link to the Independent article that Robofish did.

    What an awfully reactionary article this is.

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