New video from the Fair Pay Network makes the case for a living wage

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The Fair Pay Network has launched a new video as part of its campaign to push for a living wage in the UK.

As Britain teeters on the brink of a double-dip recession, we know that it will be the poorest who are hurt the most.

Despite soaraway salaries at the top of society, many who are in work still face poverty. The Fair Pay Network has released a video, calling for a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.

Watch it:

You can contact the Fair Pay Network here.

See also:

Pay increases by just 2.3 per cent in the last three monthsTony Burke, November 23rd 2011

Unless pay gaps are reduced, we’ll end up with Victorian levels of inequalityShamik Das, November 22nd 2011

High pay damages our economyDuncan Exley, October 28th 2011

As top pay soars, the 99% are left behindWill Straw, October 28th 2011

Lifting the lid on Low Pay BritainLee Savage, October 4th 2011

2 Responses to “New video from the Fair Pay Network makes the case for a living wage”

  1. Bern O'Donoghue

    WATCH: Video makes the case for a fair days wage for a fair days work: ft @Ed_Miliband & @CarolineLucas

  2. Will consumers support Living Wage products? | Left Foot Forward

    […] Fair Pay Network make the case for a living wage 28 Nov […]

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