Choosing the right bedfellow: Why the EU will always trump Trump when it comes to trade
The US can’t replace the EU as our top trading partner – for good reason.
The US can’t replace the EU as our top trading partner – for good reason.
Donald Trump is not the Brexit hero many make him to be. His trade policies are only about deregulation and profiteering.
While TTIP failed, Europe is now trying another sneaky deal giving corporations obscene amounts of power.
If you think the Brexit talks have been secretive, you ain’t seen nothing yet.
The biggest ever free trade agreement was signed by the EU last week. Green MEP Molly Scott-Cato outlines what you need to know.
Secretive talks for a EU-Japan deal must be open to scrutiny
Unions have long campaigned against NAFTA and other trade deals
Trump and hard Brexit are bad news for Britain
As Theresa May arrives in Washington, Jos Gallacher explains the complexity of her task
The new US president wants to help corporations exploit workers