Extraordinary moment Nigel Farage threatened to use Royal Marines to return migrants to France

He made the comments on Question Time

Nigel Farage on the BBC Question time leaders' special

The leader of the hard-right Reform UK party Nigel Farage appeared on a special edition of BBC Question Time tonight, facing questions from a live studio audience in Birmingham.

One of the questions put to Farage was how his party would enact its pledge to return migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats to France. In an extraordinary moment, Farage threatened to use the Royal Marines to do so.

He said: “Well we have something called the Royal Marines if it comes to it,” to audible gasps from the audience, before going on to say “we won’t need to do that.”

Farage went on to say that the UK should leave the European Court of Human Rights and ban anyone who crosses the Channel from getting refugee status.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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