Voters in the marginals want public ownership of the railways

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A pledge to re-nationalise the railways could help to swing the election for Labour.

A pledge to re-nationalise the railways could help swing the election for Labour

A majority of voters in key Conservative held 2015 battleground seats want the railways brought back into public ownership, according to new research by Survation.

74 per cent of those in four key marginal seats who expressed a preference did not believe the railways would be worse in public hands compared to the current model of private ownership.

Half of respondents thought fares would be cheaper under public ownership and 71 per cent believed that fare prices would be either the same or cheaper.

According to the survey conducted by Survation for the RMT, 60 per cent of all respondents expressing a view said they wanted their local operator to be brought back under public ownership at the next opportunity, a view shared by 62 per cent of Lib Dem 2010 voters, 71 per cent of Labour 2010 voters and 47 per cent of 2010 Conservatives.

Even a third of those who believed their own operator should remain in private hands did not believe the entire network should be under private ownership. Meanwhile, 93 per cent of those who did want their current operator brought back into public ownership (and had a view) wanted fully publicly owned rail across the country.

Between 17th-19th June Survation polled 1,011 constituents by telephone in 4 key marginal Conservative/Labour “battleground” seats of Crawley (CON), Stevenage (CON), Reading West (CON) and Milton Keynes South (CON).

6 Responses to “Voters in the marginals want public ownership of the railways”

  1. Brimstone52

    Which just goes to show how uninformed some people are. Network Rail was renationalised in April 2014.

    Labour “promised” to renationalise the railways before the 1997 election. They had thirteen years to do so. They didn’t.

  2. blarg1987

    No Network Rail, was nationalised in 2002 as an arms length arm of Government, accountancy rules impose by the EU has meant Network Rails liabilities have to come under Government debt just as PFI had to following the chaos in other EU nations.

  3. LittleOddsandPieces

    The public would like full public ownership of railways and all the utilities, because it effects the cost of the living of those who can least afford it, the working poor and insecure low income self employed, poor pensioners and pensioners short of a pension at 60 from 2013, when women MPs kept pension payout at 60 from 2012.

    The Daily Telegraph published a blog by a Labour party member and GMB union member, that says Labour is doomed to lose the general election next year, as too much Tory lite.

    Ed Miliband and Ed Balls are at loggerheads, and Ed Balls keeping Tory spending plans is a nice scapegoat for the future.

    As the public want public ownership, what is the point of a right wing New Labour.

    Why does not the ex Labour MP, ex Labour party members and members of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, not become the new Leaders and cabinet of Labour and give Labour the landslide victory it would then get?

    See the banned TUSC video OK to view now long after May 22 elections on my personal website:

    Labour needs the grey vote but is losing them to its Tory obsession with austerity and welfare reform aka aboliton of the welfare state.

    There is no ageing society over-burdening the state pension fund. The ring fenced National Insurance Fund has been full for decades, not needing a top up from tax.

    Nor can the NI Fund be emptied as it is not a tax and cannot be used by government for general expenditure, which is believed even by the Pensioners Convention, who also ignore those who lost pension payout from 2013 of their food money and pensioner benefits such as saving their lives with Winter Fuel Allowance.

    If the renewed Labour from TUSC becoming its leadership and support, then it would win big in 2015 by:

    Revoking Welfare Reform Act

    Revoking Pension Bill

    Revoking Flat Rate Pension

    Paying women state pension 60 lost since 2013.

    Equalisie state pension at 60 for both men from 2015 as France did and EU said nothing.

    End all the suffering of delayed and sanctioned benefits, by

    bringing in a universal non-means citizen wage

    clawing this back from the rich with a 50 per cent tax rate

    The state pension – pay tax free lump sum for 30,000 women from 2013 and to 500,000 from 2014 – then pay monthly in 2015.

    By revoking Flat Rate Pension gain all the housewives losing all state pension, plus others who lose all food money for life.

    Because of the full state pension fund, this is funding neutral.

    As is the citizen wage because when add up all the stealth taxes, including petrol, cigarette and alcohol duty, the public, in or out of work, and however poor, pay half a trillion a year.

    Without welfare reform admin and Jobcentres, saves the bulk of £100 billion a year.

    Bring back the real Labour in 2015.

  4. Brimstone52

    NRs debt were still in the private sector. The difference now is that NR is funded by the Treasury, just as BR was. That’s what makes the difference.

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