Public want Serco banned from government contracts

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Nearly 80 per cent of the public think Serco, the scandal-hit outsourcing company, should not be allowed to bid for public service contracts.

Nearly 80 per cent of the public think Serco, the scandal-hit outsourcing company, should not be allowed to bid for public service contracts, according to new research.

The polling, carried out by Survation for campaign group We Own it, showed an increase in support for the government running public services when companies are found guilty of mismanagement or defrauding taxpayers.

The new polling also found that outsourcing companies such as Atos, Serco, Capita and G4S have the lowest levels of trust compared to other organisations like central government, the civil service, the NHS and the police, with just 21 per cent trusting them – compared to 64 per cent who don’t.

Since a previous poll by We Own It conducted in July 2013, 6 per cent more people believe that services should be renationalised and run by the government in cases or fraud or mismanagement.

Commenting on the findings, director of We Own It Cat Hobbs said people were feeling “more than a little sick of Serco – too big to fail, too sprawling to deliver but too profit-hungry to serve us properly”.

“Politicians are colluding in this corruption. We want to see them commit to giving public service users a real say,” she added.

We Own It are holding a protest outside Serco’s AGM in London today.

4 Responses to “Public want Serco banned from government contracts”

  1. Kryten2k35

    I want a ban on government contracts. The government should hire their own people for it, not contract it out,. at more expense, to non-public companies.

  2. CHRIS215

    Is there a case to brought against ministers who approve contracts with these companies of recklessly defrauding the public purse?

  3. blarg1987

    Your evidence will probably be MP’s, ministers and civil servents who approved / nominated thee contractors and being on the board or non executive director when they “retired” prom politics.

  4. treborc1

    Can I ask a simple question what did ATOS do wrong, Blair himself had secret meeting with ATOS which we I mean activist were refused this information even under the FOI.

    But from day one when ATOS started to work and started the medicals, it was pretty obvious they intended to hammer down on everyone. Blair and labour refused to do anything at all but stood back and stated they were doing their job, and they were with people with cancer being told they had to return to work, so really Labour and the Tories could have stopped all this in a minute. They did not and the labour party and Tories were happy , except of course it was costing more then expected, more and more people were appealing and each time ATOS won because they were paid more.

    It was paying ATOS to fail people more then once even when they won an appeal within a week ATOS would do the same again fail them, and go through the whole process again.

    This ended when the Tories told the DWP to review all cases which went to appeal and stop any which of course looked like they would be won, this stopped ATOS from earning larger amounts and they then wanted out. ATOS did what the Government wanted and found a loop hole labour were happy to allow.

    I suspect SERCO and the others are doing what the Governments want OK the fail, but I suspect the Government are happy with what they are getting mostly privatization.

    Not Blair Cameron’s or Miliband money, after all it easy to waste when it’s not yours.

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