Wales Green Party leader tells conference that Greens will win first member of the Welsh Parliament in 2026
Anthony Slaughter made a keynote speech at the Green Party Conference
Anthony Slaughter made a keynote speech at the Green Party Conference
The potential runners and riders in the Welsh Labour leadership election
He lasted just four months in the role
Plaid Cymru’s health spokesperson Mabon Ap Gwynfor set out his party’s policies for the NHS
We cannot gamble with people’s lives on waiting for a more progressive government in Westminster – for our action plan to have teeth, we must set out the steps for taking the power to enact it.
“We have been looted of our treasure, and the crooks didn’t even have the decency to take their rubbish with them.”
A Tory councillor in Sunderland was an admin on four of these groups
‘Mark has set a clear standard for public service in UK politics, always putting others before himself’
Two parties could win seats for the first time ever
The new speed limit has +12 net support