Anyone concerned about the UK’s sovereignty must oppose TTIP
International investment courts would deprive member states of their powers to interpret and apply EU law
International investment courts would deprive member states of their powers to interpret and apply EU law
Any claim that a policy for trade, ‘competitiveness’ or exports will create jobs is normally wrong
The revisiting of the controversial EU- Canada trade agreement is being played down as ‘legal adjustments’
A new report shows that the success rate of cases brought by corporate giants under TTIP-like agreements is around 71 per cent
A committee says the deal fails to advance the economic interests of the US
Climate activists challenge the unequal, unsustainable and militaristic policies on which terrorism has thrived
Commitment to the European project means putting people before corporations
The TPP deal is a stark warning of what is likely to come on TTIP
CETA is bad for workers, environment, public services and democracy, and it is set to come to European Parliaments as early as 2016
TTIP will introduce dangerous or environmentally damaging products into Europe by the back door