UKIP have a responsibility to present the truth alongside their policies
Ipsos Mori poll shows UKIP supporters think the UK has twice as many immigrants as it actually does
Ipsos Mori poll shows UKIP supporters think the UK has twice as many immigrants as it actually does
Newspapers urged to curb ‘shameful’ racism and xenophobia about migrants
Bizarre populist claims disguise the paper’s real concern – UKIP splitting the Tory vote.
It may be fully costed, but we’re still looking at the same irrational UKIP
Digging up an old case for a cheap picture stunt recycles racial prejudice
The underutilisation of talent in the migrant population reflects a failure of integration
Now they’re targeting our cars and caravans. Except they’re not.
Recycling of junk data from Migration Watch betrays a nasty attitude to children of immigrants
The economic and fiscal benefits of migration have not always been felt locally
Human rights abuses, public dissatisfaction and a failure to get the numbers down make Australia a curious role model for Farage