It’s a complex economy, stupid
The following is an edited version of a chapter from IPPR’s forthcoming book, “Complex New World: Translating new economic thinking into public policy”.
The following is an edited version of a chapter from IPPR’s forthcoming book, “Complex New World: Translating new economic thinking into public policy”.
The latest poor GDP numbers mean Britain’s economy has shrunk since general election.
The IMF downgraded its UK growth forecast today for the third time in under a year.
Labour sought to pile the pressure on George Osborne today following last night’s savaging of the government’s growth record by CBI chief John Cridland.
Four right-wing groups set out policies to ‘build the momentum for growth’ in today’s Telegraph. But these carbon-intensive projects are at odds with British business.
In the G20 Leaders Declaration at the Los Cabos summit in Mexico, has Barack Obama contrasted his approach to the austerity of David Cameron and Angela Merkel.
The government’s rejection of stimulus measures to promote growth has left the British economy static, with declining growth and increasing inflation.
The European Commission today became the latest international body to issue a warning on the state of the UK economy, reports Shamik Das.
George Osborne may have performed reverses on the “pasty tax” and “caravan tax” last night, but it’s on austerity the public really wants a U-turn.
Carlos Mulas, Executive Director of Fundacion IDEAS, tells the story of a new, pan-European campaign against ever more austerity.