The Conservatives claim to be the party of aspiration, but their broken safety net prevents it
‘A well-designed safety net would help people return to work when they can’
‘A well-designed safety net would help people return to work when they can’
There can be no political stability when a government is attempting to force the public into greater poverty.
The Chancellor’s promised deregulatory cull of consumer, worker and environmental protections will make matters far worse
The surcharge on the profits of banks will be cut from 8% to 3%, which means more than a billion pounds in tax savings for banks every single year.
The blame for 12 years of sluggish growth and deteriorating public services lies squarely with the government.
‘We can have either democracy and public accountability or rampant corporate power concentrated in the hands of a few business executives, but not both.’
‘It is clear we can’t go on like this, we need a general election now.’
“It’s not so much that action is missing, it’s more that the UK government has been missing in action” – Plaid Cymru’s Luke Fletcher talks about the action needed to tackle the cost-of-living crisis.
The news you didn’t see this week…
One in four households with children (25.8) have experienced food insecurity in the past month, with an estimated 4 million children affected