Dave Ward says Royal Mail offer not good enough amid strike warning
CWU accuse Royal Mail Group of ‘attacking the workforce’ as dispute escalates
CWU accuse Royal Mail Group of ‘attacking the workforce’ as dispute escalates
A survey shows that four in five drivers working for two private hire app companies, say their earnings do not cover the cost of living.
Battling isolation and ‘corporate dictatorship’, workers share their challenges of organising in the gig economy
‘In fast-tracking the Bill, the beleaguered Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is resuscitating the ghost of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’
‘The UK was the only G7 country to cut foreign aid during the pandemic. Its routine failure to meet funding deadlines as well as reinstate the 0.7% target means that far too many people in the developing world are suffering the catastrophic effects of the UK government’s decisions.’
From the BBC to the NHS, the right has been gnawing away at well-liked British institutions, waging ‘politicised’ campaigns designed to influence direction. And the National Trust, with millions of members, is firmly in their sights.
Sunak might be seen to have more political nous than his two disgraced predecessors, but he’s an ideologically right-wing Tory from the right of the party. The fact that he’s presented as a pragmatic centrist shows how far to the right the party has swung.
Julio Herrera Velutini has given more than £500,000 to the Tories
‘Is this a remarkable negotiating coup or a sharp move to take IWGB out of the game?’
The news you didn’t see this week…