IMF boss repeats call for Plan B

The IMF’s boss has given her strongest warning yet that Britain should slow the pace of its spending cuts. She called for countries “to adjust their austerity programmes”.

New IMF boss joins calls for Plan B

The new IMF boss, Christine Lagarde, has joined calls for a Plan B. In an FT op ed she says “slamming on the brakes too quickly will hurt the recovery and worsen job prospects”.

World economies are under threat from deflationary policies

IMF-convened economists say cuts are the wrong strategy

The international chorus of experts against sharp deficit reductions plans has grown stronger, as world-leading economists said that the US and EU economies remained too fragile to absorb major deficit cuts. The economists met at a private conference convened by the IMF to discuss “Macro and Growth Policies in the Wake of the Crisis”.

IMF arrive to put right Ireland’s special version of crony capitalism

The IMF has arrived in Dublin. Despite Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern dismissing on Sunday any talk of Ireland getting a bailout from the IMF or the Stability Fund as ‘fiction’, the reality could no longer be denied on Tuesday evening as Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, was forced to admit that the governement was about to commence “short focused consultation” with the IMF and EU Officials.