Green Party adopts antisemitism guidance including IHRA and Jerusalem Declaration definitions
The party has for the first time formally adopted guidance on antisemitism
The party has for the first time formally adopted guidance on antisemitism
The decision from the Green Party comes in the run up to the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow, where finance from richer countries to lower-income countries will be a discussed by world leaders.
In an exclusive interview with LFF, former Green Party co-leader Sian Berry says ‘I wish that much sooner I’d realised that a better strategy was to be firmer about our values’
The Greens have backed the BFAWU’s ‘Fight for 15’ campaign
The Green Party now supports publicly funded care, free at the point of use
“We’ve seen a total failure of leadership from those in charge, and a failure of moral fibre from those who are meant to be in opposition.”
How is the Green Party coping with running local councils?
The Labour leader will ignore the movement’s calls for public ownership of energy to his detriment, writes activist Ben Davies.
‘It is vital that trade unions can have these debates and arrive at a position that works for workers in the long-term.’
Conference could back a ‘socialist Green New Deal’ – including nationalising the energy companies.