Five crazy ideas from the Tories’ new policy chiefs

Last week it was announced that the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) was to lead the Conservative Party’s policy development. The aim, according to the CPS press release, is to “feed through new ideas for both immediate implementation and the next Conservative manifesto in 2015”.

Hain has dig at shadow cabinet

One of Ed Miliband’s closest supporters has called on the Labour Party to up its game with a less than coded attack on members of the shadow cabinet who are failing to pull their wait.

Ed Miliband should listen to Len McCluskey’s real message

Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unite, has warned Ed Miliband of the need to keep Labour firmly on the left, in order to avoid defeat at the next general election. Specifically, Miliband has been advised by McCluskey to purge the shadow cabinet of its remaining Blairites, in the form of Jim Murphy, Douglas Alexander, and Liam Byrne.