Economic update – October 2011
IPPR’s senior economist Tony Dolphin looks at the key economic indicators and reviews the state of the economy in his latest economic update for Left Foot Forward.
IPPR’s senior economist Tony Dolphin looks at the key economic indicators and reviews the state of the economy in his latest economic update for Left Foot Forward.
The IMF have published the results of a study of previous episodes of deficit reduction in advanced economies, concluding cutting too quick increases unemployment.
Today’s trade figures show picture is far less positive than previously; the export boost to growth has faded away, writes IPPR’s Tony Dolphin.
IPPR’s senior economist Tony Dolphin looks at the key economic indicators and reviews the state of the economy in his latest economic update for Left Foot Forward.
The second estimate of Q2 GDP growth released today confirms that the economy expanded by just 0.2 per cent, reports IPPR senior economist Tony Dolphin.
The latest survey of manufacturing published yesterday by the CBI represents a glimmer of hope in the gloom, writes IPPR’s Tony Dolphin.
4.4% inflation makes it unlikely that economic growth will pick up in the second half of the year. Retail sales volumes are likely to remain stagnant.
Today’s economic data releases from the Office for National Statistics – on trade and production – show that rebalancing of the UK economy has gone into reverse.
Memo to Vince Cable: lack of credit demand, not supply holds back UK economy: time for a cut in VAT and increase in quantitative easing
A round-up of all the key indicators from IPPR senior economist Tony Dolphin