Labour hasn’t delivered growth or happiness. It needs an economic reset.
Successive governments have tailored economic and tax policies to impoverish the masses
Successive governments have tailored economic and tax policies to impoverish the masses
‘Preventing MPs from selling their souls to the highest bidder is a necessary step in democratising parliament.’
The only effective remedy is to ban all private donations, or bribes, to political parties.
The government’s honeymoon has been short lived.
Such a strategy was tried in 1970s and came to grief in the mid-1970s secondary banking crash.
Even if people can get access to the courts, at best they will get an interpretation of law, not justice.
Deregulation creates opportunities for bankers to take reckless risks with other people’s money, collect bonuses and destabilise economies.
The UK and Lesotho are the only two countries to have an entirely unelected parliamentary chamber.
‘With the full approval of the state, too many industries are dominated by organisations of dubious practices, if not downright criminal activities.’
The government will need to abandon Tory economic policies, redistribute income and wealth, eradicate poverty, strengthen worker rights, and take essential services in public ownership.