EXCLUSIVE: Campaigners hit back at minister’s pro-fracking “mythbuster”
The energy minister was accused of being a “propagandist for the filthy fossil fuel industry”.
The energy minister was accused of being a “propagandist for the filthy fossil fuel industry”.
iFM Bolton risked undercutting NHS terms and conditions – and sparking a race to the bottom. But Unison put up a strong challenge – and won.
The anti-Brexit campaign now needs to reach beyond the ‘usual suspects’ to Leave voters and the Labour left.
Left Foot Forward speaks to Eloise Todd ahead of what looks likely to be the largest anti-Brexit march the UK has seen so far.
The union took a huge membership hit after Ministers ended the ‘check off’ system in 2015 – but they are bouncing back.
The NHS-owned company says it ‘can operate more competitively against private companies’. Workers appear to be paying the price.
UKIP provided 33 out of 35 MEP appearances between 2013 and 2018 – despite having one of the lowest attendance records among MEPs.
“The app is the picket line,” say the IWGB union.
While it may feel like an easy win for the Tories, this £8bn fossil fuel giveaway will hit Phillip Hammond’s coffers hard – and make the public cough harder.
The former ‘rising star’ resigned from the Greens last month, citing transphobia, amid an investigation into her election agent father’s conviction for horrific sexual crimes.