Will primaries address the EU’s ‘democratic deficit’?
Jon Worth looks at whether the use of primaries to elect the President of the European Union will help address the EU’s perceived democratic deficit.
Jon Worth looks at whether the use of primaries to elect the President of the European Union will help address the EU’s perceived democratic deficit.
Jon Worth reports from Brussels on the increasing precariousness of Baroness Catherine Ashton’s position as European Union foreign affairs chief.
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Mr Cameron has to dampen the EU fervour of the Lib Dems and dampen the rampant scepticism of the dinosaurs in his party, meaning weak pragmatism rules.
The UK is one of the developed world’s most unequal societies – how do we address that absolute inequality into the next decade? One means is the classical way via the taxation system (a redistribution from rich to poor) andtest
The Taxpayers’ Alliance, the right wing pressure group, has been dealing with EU questions with a report entitled “EU Diplomats.” The report’s author, Lee Rotherham, is a well known right-leaning eurosceptic, and the report departs in a well worn vein:test