Social work needs support now more than ever
The impact of the recession, financial hardship and job losses on families and individuals all adds up to more need for social workers, writes UNISON gen sec Dave Prentis.
The impact of the recession, financial hardship and job losses on families and individuals all adds up to more need for social workers, writes UNISON gen sec Dave Prentis.
UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis on why we are not all in this together, on how the Nick Clegg/David Cameron cuts are hitting the poorest hardest.
Police budget cuts are being front-loaded, which means that police services will have no choice but to start cutting staff now, writes UNISON’s Dave Prentis.
Unison general secretary Dave Prentis writes about the shocking rise in violence against NHS staff – and the poor proesectution rate, currently only 1.9 pc.