Sure Start delivered. Now we need to learn the lessons of its success.
Sure Start shows us that investing in a dedicated early years support service is a sound investment.
Sure Start shows us that investing in a dedicated early years support service is a sound investment.
If this government fails to deliver before the election, the next one should get the job done and deliver greater security and protection for millions of people.
The next election offers an opportunity for Labour to persuade rural Britain to back them in considerably larger numbers.
Nearly a million properties in the private rented sector are judged to be ‘non-decent’
‘If a landlord wants to sell the property, or move themselves or a family member into it, they should be required to compensate the tenant for the loss of their home.’
Instead of the current, weak entitlement to unpaid leave, fathers and partners should be allowed to take paid leave for four antenatal appointments
Older voters hold the key to the next election
Family Hubs aren’t Sure Start, and we should be bold enough to call out their inadequacies.
‘For 13 years, Conservative governments have run down coastal and rural communities.’
After Thursday’s Autumn Statement, we are all likely to be paying more tax – except those hollowing out rural and coastal communities.