Qualified teachers: the Labour policy that makes Tories unfathomably angry
You wouldn’t think that a policy requiring all teachers to obtain qualified teacher status (QTS) would be particularly controversial.
You wouldn’t think that a policy requiring all teachers to obtain qualified teacher status (QTS) would be particularly controversial.
Why didn’t the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau refer the case of Kings Science Academy to West Yorkshire police?
Why are pensioners exempt from this policy while disabled people are not?
Michael Gove is ignoring serious warnings about his flagship academies.
Recently The Telegraph reported that more free schools have been set up in areas controlled by Labour than any other political party.
The more you learn about Sulivan School, the more irrational and unfair the Tory council’s proposal to close it looks.
It is now over three weeks since Jeremy Hunt appealed against the High Court’s ruling on Lewisham Hospital, and we are still none the wiser as to his grounds of appeal.
On Saturday 14 September the people of Lewisham will host a victory parade and party to celebrate the High Court ruling which – for now at least – has saved their hospital. By the standards of judicial language, this rulingtest
Ending religious selection in state schools is a policy that the Labour party should support.
In May I wrote for Left Foot Forward about the chronic shortage of primary school places in parts of England and how Michael Gove’s free school programme is making the problem even more acute.