‘Shouldn’t you be in Parliament?’: Nigel Farage is being mocked for abandoning his constituents

“As an elected member of Parliament, shouldn’t you be in that Parliament?”


Reform UK leader Nigel Farage continues to face questions about his commitment to his constituents after deciding to fly off to the US to attend the Republican National Convention.

Farage made the decision, less than two weeks after being elected Clacton’s MP, to go to America in a bid to show solidarity and support to Donald Trump following an assassination attempt on the former President.

In a clip posted on social media, Sky’s James Matthews asks Farage: “As an elected member of Parliament, shouldn’t you be in that Parliament?”

An irritated Farage replies: “You’re right, I should work eight days a week and never have a day off”.

Journalist and Presenter Emily Maitlis has also questioned Farage about his commitment to his constituents after asking him why he was in the US so soon after being elected.

Speaking to Maitlis for the News Agents’ podcast, the Reform Party leader was asked repeatedly why he already left his constituents.

“I thought you were giving all your time to Clacton now, as its newest MP?” Maitlis asked.

Farage replied: “Well I’m allowed to come to America on a trip like this particularly in these circumstances.”

Maitlis reminded Farage that at one point he had said he wouldn’t run as MP for Clacton because he had wanted to give his time to the US and added: “But now you are the new Clacton MP but are here in the US just two weeks after getting elected because this feels more exciting?”

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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