General election poll tracker: How the public say they’ll be voting

This is what the polls are telling us right now

Voting Ballot Box

With the general election now just days away, polls of the public’s voting intention are coming in thick and fast. Here’s a rundown of the latest polling for each of the parties.

Included in the table below is the 10 most recent opinion polls and an average of all of them.

26-27 JunTechne19%41%12%3%5%17%3%
26-27 JunRedfield and Wilton19%42%11%3%5%18%2%
25-26 JunPeople Polling15%40%9%2%9%21%2%
24-26 JunBMG20%42%12%3%6%16%2%
24-26 JunMore in Common23%40%11%3%5%14%3%
24-26 JunNorstat23%39%12%4%6%15%2%
24-26 JunDeltapoll20%42%11%3%4%17%2%
24-25 JunYouGov18%36%15%3%8%17%3%
21-25 JunSurvation18%41%12%2%5%14%7%
21-24 JunJL Partners25%41%11%3%5%15%1%

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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