“An NHS for people not profit” – Green Party co-leader rails against NHS privatisation in leaders’ debate

Carla Denyer also called for more investment in the NHS

Carla Denyer at the ITV general election debate

The first question of the second seven-way televised general election debate focussed on how political parties are planning to fix Britain’s creaking NHS and public services.

During the debate, the Green Party’s co-leader Carla Denyer criticised the role of privatisation in the health service and made the case for a publicly owned NHS.

Responding to the question, Denyer said: “The NHS is in crisis. And the Conservatives’ answer of a workforce plan doesn’t help when they’re refusing to pay healthcare workers properly. They’re pouring water into a leaky bucket because people are leaving the service for better pay and better conditions elsewhere.

“It also doesn’t help what Labour are proposing – opening the door to more privatisation in our health service. The answer is investment, and that’s why the Green Party is clear that we would make transformative investment into not only the NHS, but also social care which helps to take pressure off the NHS.

“The Green Party will always stand for an NHS for people not profit.”

The debate is being broadcast on ITV.

Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward

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