Bombshell poll reveals the extent to which the public think Brexit has been a failure

Many of the promises made by Brexiteers have failed to materialise...

Brexit and EU

Four years on after Britain left the European Union, a damning new poll shows just how disillusioned the public are with Brexit, with the majority believing it to be a failure.

The poll, carried out by Ipsos for the Evening Standard, found that 57% believe Brexit has been more of a failure than success, while only 13% say that it has been a success.

Younger adults, Londoners, and graduates are more likely to say that Brexit has been a failure.

A breakdown of the survey results showed that 70% of 18 to 34-year-olds think Brexit has been more of a failure, as do 64% of 35-54s, compared to 38% of those aged 65+.

67% of Londoners brand Brexit more of a failure, compared to 49% in the Midlands, while

73% of graduates have a negative view of Brexit, double the 36% of those without formal qualifications.

Many of the promises made by Brexiteers have failed to materialise, including grater control of borders, free trade deals with America and of course who could forget the promise to invest £350 million more a week into the NHS after Brexit.

When it comes to party affiliation, 78% of Labour Party voters say that Brexit has been more of a failure, compared to 31% of Tory party voters who say it has been a success.

Anger with Brexit is rising, with the demand to reverse the decision to leave the EU at an all-time high.

The poll from WeThink, affiliated with Omnisis, shows that 63% of those surveyed believe that the UK should now reverse the referendum result, and return to its previous trading relationship with the bloc. Just 37% of voters want to stay out of the EU.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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