Tory members demand they are given the option of voting for Boris Johnson in the leadership ballot

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The wording of the petition states: “I demand Boris Johnson is added to the ballot as an option for the members to vote upon in the forthcoming election.”

Boris Johnson

Thousands of Conservative Party members have written to the party chairman to demand that they are given the option of voting for Boris Johnson in the leadership ballot.

As Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss made it on to the final ballot to face party members before a new leader is announced on 5th September, party members clogged up CCHQ phone lines demanding Johnson be allowed on the ballot.

More than 1,800 Johnson loyalists initially added their names to a petition demanding Johnson’s name is added on the ballot as a third option, the Telegraph reported. The Mail now reports the number at 4,000.

The wording of the petition states: “I demand Boris Johnson is added to the ballot as an option for the members to vote upon in the forthcoming election.”

Lord Cruddas told the paper: “We think it is only fair because Boris was the members choice back in 2019 and he has been constructively removed by the Parliamentary Party without referral to the membership”.

Although there’s no real chance of Johnson making the ballot, in his final PMQs the prime minister did hint at a potential comeback one day, telling MPs it was mission accomplished “for now.”

Dominic Cummings posted a blog on Twitter, in which he said that Johnson was backing Truss because he thinks she’ll self-destruct and he can step into the breach once more.

Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward

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