Left Foot Forward campaigned for an advertiser boycott when Hopkins demanded a 'final solution' after the Manchester attack

Katie Hopkins has been sacked by LBC, having called for a ‘final solution’ after the Manchester attacks.
LBC and Katie Hopkins have agreed that Katie will leave LBC effective immediately.
— LBC (@LBC) May 26, 2017
This follows a Left Foot Forward campaign, launched this week, calling for advertisers to boycott LBC until Hopkins was removed.
Our campaign was a response to Hopkins’s comments about the terrible attack in Manchester. Within hours, while most of us were still reeling at the tragic news, she was already whipping up hatred — attacking Muslims and calling for a ‘final solution’.
We wanted to make it clear that such hatred and division has no place in our society.
With the thousands of you who joined us, we made it clear to LBC that they couldn’t afford to give a loudspeaker to hate.
Thanks so much for your support.
28 Responses to “BREAKING: Katie Hopkins sacked by LBC”
It’s very telling that after 22 people had been murdered in Manchester, the thing that really got Lefties incensed was Katie Hopkins’ social media comments.
In fact, it was the first article on this site after the attacks.
Nothing about radical Islamic terrorists.
That tells you everything you need to know about where Left wing priorities really lie.
Jane Kane
Left wing priorities really lie??? Stop doing deals with Saudi the primary funders of ISIs and other terror groups which are making us targets. Stop intervening in the Middle East, stop the police cuts which have made us unsafe. Right wingers who want to divide us have the same agenda as the terrorists. Well done.
Don’t be a tool, Fred. What got “lefties” angry was the use of a tragic attack by a vile woman to promote her own political agenda with language that was reminiscent of Adolf Hitler
Fred you are a very example of all that is wrong and out of touch with this sad country of ours. It was local Left wing people who were first to react to this horrific act and it carried on in the Left wing NHS. You would do well to remember it was and still is the left who fight for all including you against all the Tory press and idiotic right wing numb brains or sheep as the world see you!
fantstic news,good riddance, quite telling that we sell arms to SA to bomb innocents by the thousands without a thought for those murdered children,only our own children matter hey fred.glad she’s gone the poisonous wretch.