Brits trust judges more than politicians. Sorry, Theresa

As Article 50 hits the Supreme Court, who are the 'enemies of the people'?


As their Article 50 appeal begins today in the Supreme Court, new research ought to give pause to government ministers who are wobbly on the concept of judicial independence.

Polling by Ipsos MORI for Mumsnet released yesterday finds judges are more trusted than government ministers by the general public.

Eighty-one per cent said they would ‘generally trust’ judges to tell the truth, as compared to just 20 per cent for government ministers, and 15 per cent for politicians generally.


Theresa May and her ilk were well below lawyers, bankers, and estate agents, while nurses topped the list at 93 per cent, followed by doctors and teachers.

Judges were the fourth most trusted profession, ahead of scientists, the police and the clergy. So much for being ‘enemies of the people’!

Looks like Brits haven’t ‘had enough of experts’.

It’s almost as if right-wing populists don’t really speak for the people when they trash institutions Tories used to defend.

Adam Barnett is staff writer for Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter @AdamBarnett13 

See: The media has declared war on the judiciary. What now?

7 Responses to “Brits trust judges more than politicians. Sorry, Theresa”

  1. Fred

    More hypocrisy from Adam Barnett, as usual.

    For instance, when it serves his class-war agenda, he loves to tell us that the judiciary don’t represent the people because most of them come from public schools. Or, if the government turned to the courts to enforce something he considered to be anti–trade union he would be on here telling us that the Tory party is using its friends in the old boy network to repress the workers and keep the status quo.

  2. Fred

    What’s more, your point is irrelevant.

    The relevant question is not, “Do you trust judges to tell the truth?” it’s “should judges be asked the question?” which is completely different.

  3. GodfreyR

    These political judges are going to bring the whole judicial system into disrepute. They should be totally independent of politics.

  4. Fred

    And finally, there’s a deep irony in your article, in that you’re not above using ‘populism’ (a survey of what most people believe’) when you think it supports your views, but constantly criticize the notion of populism when it’s supports something you don’t.

  5. Fred

    It would be great if you responded to these points, Adam Barnett. I would love to hear your response.

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