Tory hypocrisy over use of online balloting

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A tale of two elections


The London mayoral contest

Zac Goldsmith was selected today as the Conservative’s mayoral candidate by an online ballot.

The Richmond Park and North Kingston MP won with 70 per cent of the 9,227 votes cast using an online primary system.

There were no reports of irregularities.


The Trade Union Bill

The government won’t allow union members to vote online during strike ballots on the grounds that it is “not safe”.

This, despite the fact that a recent Speaker’s Commission on digital democracy for parliament recommended that by 2020 secure online voting should be an option for all voters.

Many companies already use online voting to let shareholders vote in corporate ballots.


It looks a lot like one rule for the Tories and another for trade unionists.


James Bloodworth is the editor of Left Foot Forward. Follow him on Twitter

18 Responses to “Tory hypocrisy over use of online balloting”

  1. Mark Myword

    PLCs do not obtain legal immunities for their actions. If they cause damage they can be sued.


    At least the good old days of putting the ballot chits in a cardboard box is over and the ballot scrutineers turning their backs whilst the committee members stuffed the box with chits of those absent or on holiday to benefit their chosen pal.

  3. Keith M

    Tories do not believe in democracy, never have and never will.

  4. Mo

    No online ballot is secure. All elections should be by traditional means.


    They do get elected by people. Does that mean that those who vote for them are not democrats?

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