POLL: Was John McDonnell right to reject George Osborne’s fiscal charter?

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First the shadow chancellor John McDonnell said the Labour Party would vote in favour of chancellor George Osborne’s so-called fiscal charter (the charter would legally prevent governments from spending more than they bring in in tax revenue when the economy is growing). And then, yesterday, McDonnell appeared to do a complete U-turn. Labour will now oppose Osborne’s charter.

And so our question to you is: should this have been Labour’s position all along? Is Labour right to oppose the chancellor’s fiscal charter?

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55 Responses to “POLL: Was John McDonnell right to reject George Osborne’s fiscal charter?”

  1. Walter Wiltshire

    My comment was about ratio between Party membership and Votes, probably lost on you with you outdated views. Don’t forget your idiotic dreams already lost us two GEs

  2. madasafish

    As the outcome of Corbyn’s membershi, depends on what voters think, your reply is meaningless..

  3. madasafish

    Me ? Ironic?

    Dear me:-) Rumbled.

    Alex Mason doesn’t appear to do irony.

  4. Walter Wiltshire

    Labour Policy depends on what members, not voters think. Your comment is meaningless

  5. madasafish

    Ah yes, the “sod the voters” policy. And the “sod the voters” activist.

    What do voters do when you neglect them and have policies they disagree with..? They don’t vote for you…

    Please continue as you are : ensuring Labour are unelectable. Never mind, your mind will be pure…

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