This week’s most read: Jeremy Corbyn, an economist’s view of Osborne, and even more sanctions

The most read stories on Left Foot Forward this week


1. An open letter to Jeremy Corbyn – Alan Johnson 

2. Why every Labour member should read the new Policy Exchange report – James Bloodworth

3. New report warns Universal Credit could lead to even more sanctions Ruby Stockham

4. Sir Tony Atkinson on the madness of George Osborne – JP O’Malley

5. How Labour can beat the populists – Claudia Chwalisz

4 Responses to “This week’s most read: Jeremy Corbyn, an economist’s view of Osborne, and even more sanctions”

  1. johnproblem

    Can we please elect a leader who is mildly charismatic? It wouldn’t take much to out-face Smoothie Chops Dave, but it is important – charisma on the screen and in photographs counts. I’m sorry, but this is a realistic assessment. We must give ourselves every chance of outing the Tories and their hideous inequality! Whatever it takes…..


    I doubt George Galloway would come back to Labour.

  3. FrankPMcNutt

    All time hit the leftfootforward….. Find Here

  4. LindaIGarcia

    ….All time hit the leftfootforward Find Here

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