Conservatives polling ahead of Labour for the first time since 2011

Most people see healthcare as more important than the economy when voting


For the first time since September 2011, the Conservatives have moved ahead of Labour in the monthly telephone survey conducted by ComRes for The Independent.

The Tories have moved up two points since last month and are now on 31 per cent, while Labour have moved down two points to 30 per cent. UKIP have moved up one point to 17 per cent, the Lib Dems down four points to eight per cent and the Greens up two points to seven per cent.

According to ComRes, three in five of the people surveyed (59 per cent) say that the parties’ policies on healthcare and the NHS will determine their vote more than their policies on the economy.

Only one in three (34 per cent) say that economic policies will be more important than health ones.

On NHS funding, people trust David Cameron about the same amount as Ed Miliband, with 29 per cent saying they trust Cameron to ensure the NHS has enough money and 28 per cent saying the same of the Labour leader.

ComRes interviewed 1,001 British adults between 23 and 25 January 205, weighting the data to ensure it was demographically representative.

45 Responses to “Conservatives polling ahead of Labour for the first time since 2011”

  1. robertcp

    I agree.

  2. robertcp

    Those are facts. The opinion bit is what we do about it. Vote for the least bad option or spoil your ballot paper.

  3. Leon Wolfeson

    Least bad? Greens, but I object to some other their other policies.

  4. robertcp

    I know that you disagree but I will be voting Labour in May. It is my opinion that a Labour government will be slightly better than a Conservative government. Voting Green would be the other option for me but my constituency is a Lab-Con marginal, so there is a risk of the Tory winning.

  5. Nicholas Poulcherios

    Labour did not cause the Economy crisis…The USA Banks did and drucked all Globaly down with them. Labour was in power then it does not mean they knew all the corruption in USA. Now on handling of the economy Labour -Gordon Brown did a n very good fiscal rescuing performance; curbed the crisis and PAIN for all of us. UNLIKE Thatcher who ruined all HOUSE owners and Share holders.What is more wicked she closed all Mental Hospitals promised CommunityPsychitricNurses and they have done nothing…she started the downfall and crisis of Mental Health because she could not stomach strong trade unions,and really never given the masses the people much thought or respect. The Tories are devious, rich, buy their ways methodically worming and strangling all others. They will destroy our democracy given another chance. They have purchased BBC, SKY,and News programmes,and we think it is an unbiased BBC,or SKY etc, but in actual fact its bought , planned and staged by Tory propaganda machine. They are a very sophisticated rich but also bought party. The party for the Aristocracy and Rich billionaires,that’s why this viscous war to preserve and sell us to Organisations and .Coms. No pride is left in most of them. Posters on Vans Buses Lamp posts;leaflets through the air.Most if NOT ALL our papers are owned or sold to Right wing Tories and Foreign Billionaires. The Head of BBC is Lord Patton I think ,the last Governor of HON KONG Conservative and he has no clue of Journalism, and cost us dearly with a fiasco of putting his pal of top who lasted one week,or two months and cost us a fortune paying for his incompetence with a golden Handshake. The Tory party is a bought party from top to bottom,and as such they sell them- selves just like a prostitute sells her body, no remorse no feelings no shame no guilt. We have to move people forward to want to vote. We must point out the civilised points of socialist views the satisfaction it gives ensuring everybody has a fair chance to succeed in life. That we all think and care for our fellow countrymen and the world freed from hunger,poverty and illiteracy.

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