The BNP returns to its roots: Nazi-style antisemitism

The BNP has now fully returned to its old Nazi-style antisemitic heritage: and the torch is passing to BNP Youth.

This is not neo-Nazism, it is old original Nazism, echoing Mein Kampf and Der Steurmer

The BNP seems set for a whitewashing in today’s European and local elections, but as the ballot box recedes, so the party has now fully returned to its old Nazi-style antisemitic heritage: and the torch is passing to BNP Youth, a new generation of great white hopes, destined for the same old futile, stupid, antisemitic dead end.

At times the language and targets, “Zionists“, “neo-Cons“, “capitalists“, “globalisation”, resemble the modern extremes of far-Left, Islamist and (especially) New Age ideology.

There is, however, nothing modern about BNP antisemitism, not even when they swap the word “Zionist” for the word “Jew“ (as advised here by party leader, Nick Griffin).

It is a very serious antisemitism that blames Jews for nothing less than the destruction of European nations. This is not neo-Nazism, it is old original Nazism, echoing Mein Kampf and Der Steurmer.

In public broadcasts the party still targets Muslims for ugly racism, but within its own circles the deeper antisemitic ideology is resurrected. Nick Griffin shows the way in this BNP TV video, entitled ‘Europe Rises Again’ (note that wording,rises again’). It was filmed in March at a far-Right conference in Rome. From about 55 seconds to 2 min 08 seconds, Griffin warns against globalisation and (from 1.20) “another Zionist war” that wants the “blood” of Europe’s young men. Then (from 1.40), it is Europe’s nations being:

“murdered…cold-blooded, calculated and deliberate by the Zionists, the neo-Cons and the capitalists”.

References follow to “vampire banks” and (7.44) how European “elites” are “not politicians, they are banksters’ puppets”. This is old Nazi territory and Griffin’s imagery of “banksters’ puppets” and “vampire banks” fits it snugly, like a Hugo Boss SS tunic.

Where Griffin leads, BNP Youth follows. Their recent video, ‘BNP Youth Fight Back’ has been understandably ridiculed, but is no laughing matter. It is under three minutes long and begins with BNP Youth Organiser Jack Renshaw decrying the enforced “bastardisation” of the British people. Other young faces follow, demanding to know who is responsible for a range of crimes, from national debt to poor education.

The answers come next, beginning at 1.14 with “the banksters” (yes, “banksters” again). Then, at 1.20, an especially well-worn scapegoat:

“The heartless Zionists, who’s interests are foreign interests, who send our soldiers to fight and die for private profit of greedy politicians.”

In another BNP TV film ‘Spreading Truth To Youth, Jack Renshaw is simply bizarre (see 10.10 to 11.15), moving from “anti-bankster” (that word again!), to attacking the Rothschilds, to denying antisemitism, and even claiming “Talmudic” Jews are regarded by other Jews as “Satanists” (Judaism has no such concept.)

Later, at 14.07, Renshaw denies the BNP is:

“racist, fascist, or whatever…eh…Talmudic word you want to throw at us”.

It would, like the BNP Youth Fight Back film, be funny were it not so serious. As an absolute minimum, you have young men and women who care deeply about their country, but are being led into a futile life of stupidity, hate and anger, railing against invisible enemies and rendering themselves less employable every time they feature in one of these films.

For Jack Renshaw, the damage may already be done. It can be seen in yet another short BNP TV film, ‘Nationalism not Globalism’, in which he claims (1.15) that the European Union can only be explained as the first stage of a “global New World Order”, wrought by “cultural Marxists” and “capitalists”. Again, (2.20 to 2.47) it is about “the banksters” and specifically the Rothschilds who allegedly want to enslave the world with trillions of pounds of debt.

Returning to unspecified “cultural Marxists” and “financial institutions”, Renshaw (3.52) claims they are:

“trying to mongrelise the races of the planet”.

This is plain old fashioned racism, it fits National Front templates from the 70s and sounds like older Nazism. Sure enough, Renshaw strikes upon a lesson from history. He says the BNP should stand for elections so as there is (5.05) “a lion among the lying treasonous traitorous bastards”. Then (5.14):

“Eventually when nationalists get to power, because it will happen, its inevitable, we’ll be able to hang those treasonous”.

At this point he stops and the applause takes over. Never mind their election broadcasts, this is what the BNP is really about: yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Mark Gardner is the director of communications at Community Security Trust (CST)

244 Responses to “The BNP returns to its roots: Nazi-style antisemitism”

  1. Leon Wolfeson

    Ah, you start spouting off eugenics, typical far right, social darwinist crap I see. You have, factually, been strongly politically correct and you’re spewing excuses for your bigotry I see. You are using PC generalisations, I am talking about you. There is an unsubtle difference.

    And you’re in care? I see. Well, they’re letting you post here, so they can’t be that bright.

  2. Leon Wolfeson

    So you insist that you don’t make your own posts, and you never tried to smear me with your issues, Wait, you did.

    That you *are* ridiculous is not my problem. You sit there with your islamist alles, as you praise them and their values to the world, holding such similar views. And yes, the BNP are nicer people than you, got it.

    I am having a go at you here, you’re confused again. No surprise given your blind hate in general, of course. And you, stupid, are posting here. Hmm! Well, no surprise from a liar like you who said he was off not to work.

  3. Alexander British

    Actually, the Jewish Zionists were hard-working people living in kibuzim, farming their land or working in factories or their own work-shops when they moved to Israel.

    The Jew bankers in America are something totally different, and in the 1920s – 1930s these bankers and their paid spivs resented a Jewish homeland (Balfour Declaration) and did not invest one silver piece into Palestine.

    National Socialist Germany, between 1933 and 1940 had an alliance with Zionist Jews, and enabled 60,000 such Jews in Germany to emigrate to Palestine. National Socialist Germany developed the Jewish economy in Palestine by exporting industrial products there for farming, irrigation and factories.

    In the 1930s, Der Angriff, a National Socialist magazine, published a series of 12 articles to explain the intense efforts made by Germany in giving a lifeline to the Jewish homeland, when the SS sent an officer to Palestine together with a prominent Jewish Zionist on a six month tour to make plans to develop Palestine’s economy with German industry.

    Der Angriff also minted a medal to celebrate the cooperation with on one side a Swastika and on the other a Star of David.

    Had it not been for National Socialist Germany’s great intervention in Palestine, there would have been no State of Israel in 1948, because the Balfour Declaration was already declared defunct by the British government in 1938, as it had become clear that the Jew bankers in America were not interested in a Jewish homeland but only in world-banking, and most Jews were not interested in a Jewish homeland either.

    Some Jewish leaders were preaching the destruction of Germany since 1933:

    “Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. One may be sure of this: We will lead that war!” – Bernard Lecache, the president of the “International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism,” in its newspaper “Droit de Vivre” (Right to Life), 9 November, 1938.

    And were preaching the Final Solution to destroy Germany:

    “The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end.” – Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939.

    Note that when these words were said in 1939: “Millions of Jews … are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end.” (meaning final solution) Germany had not invaded the Netherlands.

    Some people saw through the Jew bankers though:

    “The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish hegemony throughout the world.” – Brigadier General George Van Horn Mosely, The New York Tribune, March 29, 1939.

  4. Alexander British

    BNP doesn’t have an issue with Jews. Perhaps with big-time bankers in America that have bankrupted the Western economies.
    It so happens that many of these big-bankers are Jews.

  5. Leon Wolfeson

    Issue? No, you’re just an anti-Semitic party, far more than any mere *issues*.
    Keep making excuses.

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