Why are Wonga speaking at a Labour policy meeting on household debt?

It appears that a representative from Wonga is speaking at a Labour Policy Review meeting on household debt. Whatever next? Advice from McDonald's on healthy eating?

Hat-tip to Richard Murphy for noticing this.

It appears that a representative from Wonga is speaking at a Labour Policy Review meeting on household debt.

Here is the email:

“Monday 13 May

How should we deal with household indebtedness? 4.30-6pm Committee room 6

Speakers. Chris Pond (Chairman, Equity Release Council), Mark Lyonette (Chief Executive Association of British Credit Unions), representative from Wonga Chair. Chris Leslie MP (Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury)

If you would like to attend please email onenationregister@gmail.com with subject header DEBT

Labour Policy Review organised with Labour Finance and Industry Group and Labour in the City”

Yes, that is the same Wonga that has a headline annual interest rate of more than 4,200 per cent.

Whatever next? Advice from McDonald’s on healthy eating?

26 Responses to “Why are Wonga speaking at a Labour policy meeting on household debt?”

  1. Newsbot9

    Of course you’d try and “loan” me the cash. I’m sure you see that as “responsible”. I’m not interested in your threats, again. Keep justifying that just like you’re protecting Wonga.

  2. PaulfromYorkshire

    Maybe Wonga are paying for the event?

  3. jennyo

    absolutely disgusting they should be banned completely sponging of the poor and vulnerable. and Labour what the hell are they doing encouraging this.

  4. Mick

    Labour letting people down again?

    What a surprise.

  5. Mick

    That’s how money makes money. Some firms are arseholes, as ity were, but generally the idea is sound.

    Banks and such aren’t bloody charities are they. And without interest, they couldn’t even run.

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