Infographic: The UK’s low rape conviction rate

The infographic gives an overview of Britain's shockingly low rape conviction rate.

It was reported today that a police unit in London that investigates sex crimes was pressured to drop a rape claim against a man who later went on to murder his two children.

The damning report by the Independent Police Complaints Commission also details how the MET’s Sapphire unit failed to pursue rape allegations properly in order to boost the team’s detection rates.

The UK already has one of the lowest rates of conviction for allegations of rape in Europe. The below info-graphic, put together by Information is Beautiful, gives an overview of how the system is already failing women in light of today’s news. Zoom in twice to get a clear view of the stats.

10 Responses to “Infographic: The UK’s low rape conviction rate”

  1. LB

    So what have you done about it?

    It’s not just women, its endemic across the book.

    The state is taken people’s money, and not fulfilling its part of the bargain, providing the service.

    In the case of victims, its investigating and prosecuting the offenders. So since they won’t do the work, they are far more keen on hiding the results and clearing the crimes off the books.

    However, they will spend 3 million policing the Equadorian embassy after one man, because its political. Far simpler to take the cops away, let Assange out and them ship him off for his rape trial

  2. Raging Leftie

    What have you done about sir? I don’t believe we are in disagreement. We are both saying that more money and resources need to be diverted into helping/supporting victims (of all crimes) and getting those who have been accused, prosecuted.

  3. LB

    My current one relates to Roadsafe. Go to the police in London and they point you at this site. Report it through there.

    Over a six month period, nearly 1,100 reports get made. 5 go to the CRU. They report just one to the CPS. Haven’t got the information there as to what happened.

    Now lots of these cases involve video evidence. Now the Met took my questions as a complaint – their choice – so I’m going to push it.

    None of these appear on the crime stats. Ho hum, just like the rape cases, I suspect for the same reason.

    It’s down to their priorities. 3 million on Assange, bugger all dealing with a crime issue that’s 12-15 deaths a year in London. 20% of the murder rate.

    The police have their priorities wrong. Rape victims included.

    Here’s part of an earlier message of mine that shows the problem

    Provide evidence of an assault. To quote the police. “I’ve not looked at your video yet, but you must have provoked him into assualting you”.

    Hmmm. yes dear. you were wearing a miniskirt and provoked him into raping you.


  4. Ran

    The real conviction rate for rape is actually over half, 58% – 1% higher than the average conviction rate for crime full stop. See

  5. Tom

    Apparently people who make false rape allegations are not punished severely either. I think they should be punished as much as the people who are guilty of it.

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