More spending cuts on the way if coalition is to meet savings targets

If the coalition is to meet its spending targets it will have to make further cuts to departmental budgets.

Public sector job losses could be significantly more than one million, according to a report published yesterday by the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Due to the government’s failure to hit its savings targets, job losses in the public sector could be 300,000 higher by the end of 2017/18 than predicted, according to the IFS’s annual analysis of the government’s spending plans.

Within the IFS’s report, however, was also contained the prediction that, if the government continues to ring-fence the NHS budget, overseas aid and schools, spending cuts will need to be significantly more severe if the coalition is to meet the targets of its fiscal consolidation plan.

As things stand, just to keep his current savings plan on track, George Osborne will need to make much larger cuts to departmental budgets than he originally intended.

As we can see from the graphs below, the bar on the left represents what the government intends to cut while the bar on the right represents what the government will need to cut unless it reconsiders its policy of ring-fencing select budgets or increases government revenue through tax rises.

As the report phrases it:

“If such further cuts to departmental spending are not possible without a decline in the quality or quantity of public services that is unacceptable to politicians or to voters, then higher borrowing, further tax increases or social security spending cuts – perhaps after the next general election – must be on the cards.”

132 Responses to “More spending cuts on the way if coalition is to meet savings targets”

  1. Gill

    Yes everything, including £15 towards rent per week.
    I did not specify who, there are many Neurological Conditions that make Standing and Sitting an issue. Skills and Qualifications are irrelevant if the person is physically too unwell to use them.

  2. Newsbot9

    That one? No. It was wound down when key staff moved abroad to get married.

    I had a .com boom business as well ^^

  3. Absolutely_Passionate

    I was wondering if you had say IT skills, html or such like.
    I know it’s easy for others to pontificate about such matters when they don’t have all the facts, but when I see the performances at the Para Olympics, and Stephen Hawking I find it quite inspirational, like nothing is impossible.

    Have you considered writing? or the OU?

  4. Gill

    As I said previously the person is too ill, so many people get Disabled and illness confused. You can be quadraplegic but feel well, you can have a Neurological Disease and be unable to lift your head off the pillow due to illness, strange how people can not work the difference out. Back the budgeting question?

  5. Gill

    Maybe you did not like that example, I will give you another, A man who is so severely ILL and Disabled that he is Double, Totally, Uncontrollably, Incontinent and again unable to stand, walk or care for himself, he is expected to go to Work Focused Interviews, he can not even get out of bed on his own and suffers constant extreme debilitating pain, described as worse than Terminal Cancer without the release of Death, ex-serviceman, worked all his life, do you think that this is correct?

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