A new poll shows that just 25% of voters support the abolition of the 50p tax rate. Danny Alexander is on the right side of the argument.

A new poll shows that just 25 per cent of voters – including only a third of Tory voters – would support the abolition of the 50p tax rate. The findings suggest that Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander, is on the right side of the debate in dismissing his Tory colleagues as living in “cloud cuckoo land“.
The YouGov poll for the Sunday Times found that just 25 per cent of voters supported a policy to scrap the 50p higher rate of income tax. Even fewer voters – just 21 per cent – thought that the policy would boost growth. As the graph below shows clear majorities of supporters for all major political parties oppose the move.
In recent weeks, senior Tory politicians have called for the policy – introduced by Alistair Darling – to be scrapped. Last week London mayor, Boris Johnson, said that abolition of the 50p rate would be “a signal that London is open for business … That’s the right direction to be going in“. Former Conservative chancellor, Lord Lamont, used an article in the Sunday Telegraph to write:
“Lower taxes are important. Our taxes are uncompetitive and too high compared with other European countries. The fifty per cent higher rate of income tax is probably one tax which could be abolished without any effect on revenue.”
Last week the Financial Times reported that Mark Field, Tory MP for the Cities of London and Westminster, had urged the Chancellor to “look at a big iconic move” such as scrapping the 50p top rate of tax, accompanied by an acceleration of the plan to take the lowest paid out of the tax system. Meanwhile a host of commentators including Spectator Editor, Fraser Nelson, have called for George Osborne to scrap the tax.
The Treasury appears to be split on the issue with George Osborne reported to be in favour of scrapping the tax by 2013 while Danny Alexander said yesterday that those who supported the right-wing policy were living in “cloud cuckoo land“.
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35 Responses to “Only quarter of voters want to scrap 50p tax”
Why Should You Buy
As for Boris Johnson he's going to walk it anyway but the real question for Labour is, considering how unp… http://bit.ly/nsT0Mg #wysb
Leon Wolfson
I’m perfectly calm. Someone shooting at me (I have unfortunately, been there) or a bomb going off nearby (twice) is a reason to get worked up.
LVT has the major problem that it’s going to replace council tax, no? Well, you’re taking something paid by tenants and putting in onto landlords, who are universally going to pass it on. This means people currently exempt are suddenly paying it, among numerous other difficulties.
I support a tax on unoccupied property, but not a LVT.
I also don’t support a *maximum* pay differential, but basing higher-rate tax on not a static value, but on a figure which is affected by both the multiple the wage is of the average in the country, and the average in the company.
I also believe in taxing unearned income at – at the least – the same rate as salary income, and in making benefits for older people contingent on them actually retiring – with no retirement age any more, I don’t think it’s right that older people still working get bus passes or exemption from NI.
(This would also take a considerable amount of pressure off the retirement age itself, and mean that richer old people who still work as consultants or directors…)
I do think we’re in broad agreement on many points, though.
Robert CP
Only quarter of voters want to scrap 50p tax reports @wdjstraw http://bit.ly/qtHOb8
Only a quarter of voters want to scrap the 50p tax rate http://bit.ly/oWcurk via @leftfootfwd
Anon E Mouse
Leon Wolfson – So you’re asking us to believe that after being “ambushed” by a marauding BNP gang twice for being white, you’ve also been shot at and nearly bombed twice as well?
I have to say that on this blog you’ve claimed because individuals don’t have to use a credit card to use the NHS it’s free and not taxpayer funded and that Socialists can become right wing and still be Socialists and that there are countries in the world where free people’s vote for Socialist systems and that the Incredible Hulk is real.
You have also said that because I think NHS funds should be used to treat people’s medical needs and not for translation services, that I am a racist which again is nonsense.
I have stated nothing here that you haven’t said. Have you ever considered that you have a very vivid imagination Wolfster and that perhaps there is something wrong which may need you to get some sort of help?
When you were shot at did you use some top secret shield to deflect the bullet trajectories or were you too busy activating your “screamer” (I’m not making this up – you said it Wolfy) to fight off the Taliban insurgents in your local Asda?